Hello everyone.
This is Dr.Terasawa from the Dental Studio STOD in Azabu-juban, Akabanebashi.
What I would like to show you today is,
“How is the tooth to be the tooth decay under the Metal Crown.”
People would like to remove the Metal Crown because of
“They would like to have a white tooth instead”
“Metal Allergies”
“Prefer to have a Ceramic”
However, we could see some cavities when removed the Metal Crown even we are hardly notice from the outside. And it is called “Secondary tooth decay”
We are focusing this issue and using the Micro Scope to expand the sight , feel the small rough around the crown, using thin equipment, also we make more diagnosis with the X-ray and the Oral photos.
The main problem of “Secondary tooth decay” is, they are usually more deeper than the 1st tooth decay, which means closer to the nerves. If the decay reached to the nerves, we need to provide the Root Cannal Treatment however that cost more, need more time for the treatment, and the treatment will be more complicated as well.
If the tooth had drilled, there is a possibility to make the tooth life be shorter. As such, we would like to keep the original tooth as much as we can.
Early detection and the early treatment truly save more tooth from the tooth decays.
However we are regret to inform that the Crown which made by the specialist doesn’t keep forever. We are unable to guarantee not only for the Metal Crown, but also the crown made by Gold, Ceramic , also the dental Implant.
We would like to add the topic ‘How to save ‘ those kind of things.
Today, I would like to show you the photos of “Secondary tooth decay” after removed the Crown of our patient from Azabu-juban street.
Microscope view - there are rough around the crown
Enlarged Image
Double check with X-rays
“Secondary tooth decay” after removed the Crown
That is why we are focusing The surface deteriorates and would expand the information to you.
We seriously thinking of Prevention of the tooth decay, and would like to let you know how important to keep your original tooth in your life time.
Thank you for reading.